Vanessa Gonzalez of the 2003 Kiwanis Kavaliers' bass drum line sent in this one. "This is a picture of the 2003 Kiwanis bass line. From left to right: Me (top), Rob (second), our bass tech Mike Washington, Chris (third), Steve (fourth), and Beau (fifth). This summer you can find Rob and I marching in the Boston Crusaders – I'm playing top bass and Rob is on third bass. Both Rob and I will age out this summer. Chris is will marching in the Magic of Orlando. Three weeks 'til move-in and I cannot wait for this summer to come. See you on tour!" Thanks Vanessa!
E-mail your Forzato submissions -- and we will get to them all, in time (and we're posting them in the order they were received) -- to along with where and when the photo was taken. Send some biographical information about yourself as well. We'll give you full credit. Also, let us know if you want your e-mail address included, to get feedback from other drum corps fans.