Chi-Fan Chien, from Taiwan, who marched with Taipei Yuehfu in 2002 and 2003 and marched his age-out year with the Colts this summer playing soprano, sent in this one.

"This is a picture of all the Asian-Americans of the 2004 Colts and me. It was taken after semifinals in Denver, our last show of 2004. From left to right: Franky, Tyson, Mee Hee, me and Robbie. It was a great summer and I have a lot of memories, thank you all for making my last summer a blast!" Thanks Chi-Fan!
E-mail your Forzato submissions -- and we will get to them all, in time (and we're posting them in the order they were received) -- to along with where and when the photo was taken. Send some biographical information about yourself as well. We'll give you full credit. Also, let us know if you want your e-mail address included.