Michelle Dail , who marched with Impulse last summer, sent in this one. "This is a picture of the Impulse "Charlie's Angels." The man in the middle is our crazy Charlie Groh, on his left Tammy ("Dylan"), on his right Irene ("Alexandra"), then me, Michelle ("Natalie"). This picture was taken in New Mexico on our way home from DCI tour. We had an ongoing joke about us three being the Charlie's Angels all tour." Thanks Michelle!
E-mail your Forzato submissions -- and we will get to them all, in time (and we're posting them in the order they were received) -- to content@dci.org along with where and when the photo was taken. Send some biographical information about yourself as well. We'll give you full credit. Also, let us know if you want your e-mail address included, to get feedback from other drum corps fans.