Each summer there is a special celebration. A collection of friends, old and new, travel from across the country and around the world to perform, watch, volunteer, or quite simply be a part of this amazing activity.As drum corps compete and travel the nation, we the fans benefit from their countless hours of planning and rehearsing dedicated to their art. How lucky we are for the talents and labors that make each production possible! Thank you to those who make this possible.How incredible that so many fans make the annual pilgrimage for this celebration! Thank you to those who have traveled the miles to witness these achievements, applaud the performers, and participate in this wonderful celebration.Think of the people you know through this activity. Marching members, fans, friends, and staff. Each contingent has contributed to make this celebration one to cherish for a lifetime. It is a celebration of qualities that inspire each of us to attain that ever-higher standard. Everyone involved brings a unique and special contribution deserving of its own reward of merit. It may be driving cross-country to see a show. It may be pushing to finish that last note. It may be foregoing sleep to prepare breakfast for the corps. Whatever the gift, it is to be commended.This celebration happens every summer and we thank goodness for the opportunity to gather again with each passing year. Let us rejoice in the celebration of this very special summer, and dedicate ourselves once again for future festivals of the amazing spirit of drum corps.