Lyle McCartee says: "I had the chance to hang out at the rehearsal site of my favorite drum corps when they came through Leander, Texas, on July 17. I even called in sick to work. Can you guess which corps I love the most? I like to call this one "Bleeding Cross-Sabers." "I'm a former Trooper who has since shifted my talent from the bass drum to the camera. I took over 300 photos of the corps that day and donated the photos to their promotions dept. I dare say the Webmaster of the Troopers will have her hands full when the corps director hands the CD over to her when they get to Lynn, Mass." Thanks Lyle! E-mail your Forzato submissions -- and we will get to them all, in time -- to along with where and when the photo was taken. Send some biographical information about yourself as well. We'll give you full credit. Also, let us know if you want your e-mail address included, to get feedback from other drum corps fans.