Ways to Donate
Drum Corps International has a number of different projects focused on specific areas of interest within the marching arts. Whether you are passionate about health and safety, diversity and inclusion, or helping to make drum corps a more attainable summer endeavor for all, there is a way that your charitable contribution can help our mission of bringing the life-enriching benefits and enjoyment of marching music performing arts to more people worldwide.
DCI Special Initiative Programs & Scholarships
Leaders Serving Leaders
The Drum Corps International “Leaders Serving Leaders” program invests in the development of student leaders through specialized interactive workshops, mentoring and ongoing enrichment programs offered throughout the winter and spring each year.
Drum Majors and other student leaders from DCI’s performing ensembles are invited to participate in this annual program which was founded by members of the DCI Hall of Fame in 2015 as a way to harness the experience of DCI’s storied past as the inspiration for continued growth into the future. The project has evolved to include more than 50 participants from almost 30 corps, who are invited to attend the DCI Annual Meeting as guests of DCI to jump-start their networking and begin planning and preparation for the DCI Summer Tour.
Your tax-deductible donation to the Leaders Serving Leaders fund helps to offset the cost of providing these outstanding young people with training from highly qualified subject matter experts spanning a variety of disciplines, including member health, wellness and safety issues; efficiency and effectiveness in leadership; conflict resolution and professional communications skills, to name a few.
Jim Jones Leadership Award
This award is given each year to one Open Class and one World Class drum major. It is named after Jim Jones one of the founding directors of Drum Corps International and a charter member of the Hall of Fame.
Selections are made each year by a committee of Hall of Fame members. The Funds for the award are also provided by Hall of Fame members as well. We invite you to donate today to help fund this award.
DCI Legacy Fund
“Bringing the life-enriching benefits and enjoyment of marching music performing arts to more people worldwide” is the fundamental mission of Drum Corps International.
To help ensure the fulfillment of this mission now and in the years to come – and in celebration of its 50th Anniversary – DCI has created its new “Legacy Fund” to provide financial resources directly to participants in DCI ensembles and the annual summer tour.
Marching Arts Safety & Health Fund
Since its inception in 2007, the Drum Corps International-sponsored Marching Arts Health & Safety initiative (MASH) has succeeded in bringing together health care professionals from varied disciplines to provide medical guidance and hands-on assistance to corps members during the DCI Summer Tour.
With an initial focus on injury prevention and treatment, participation in the project has grown from a handful of volunteer contributors to an expansive network of practitioners throughout the United States. The program is now poised to serve an even greater audience of performing arts athletes with development of “best practices” already impacting the marching band activity nationally and internationally with continued research and medical expertise, environmental and other safety areas.
This fund will be utilized in the care of our performer-athletes while on the road each season (including the travel of medical professionals and equipment to set up tour clinics), as well as in continued research and development of best practices for the marching arts world-wide. As well, funding will include at least one annual $1,000 scholarship to be awarded to a current DCI participating performer that aspires to work as a health, wellness or safety practitioner.
PLEDGE to the future of a drum corps performing member TODAY. Your gift will not only provide direct professional services and educational support this season to our many performer-athletes, but will continue to resonate in a young leader selected through the scholarship process as they develop into a giving and caring individual utilizing their experiences for the betterment of all. This is a very specific donation that will have 100% of the proceeds go to the MASH initiative.
#March On - DCI General Fund
Donations to this General Fund will be used to continue the growth of the Marching Music activity and their participants throught a variety means - be it scholarships, aid in funding events during the season, or assisting in housing for the corps as they make their journey to Indianapolis for the World Championships.
Michael Boo Memorial Scholarship
Affectionately dubbed by many as the “Pen of Pageantry” after working on projects for more than three decades for Drum Corps International, Winter Guard International and Bands of America, there is perhaps no one who has amassed a bigger portfolio of writings about the breadth of the modern-day competitive marching arts than Michael Boo. Michael was sadly taken by cancer in 2020.
To support the efforts of the Boo family, The Cavaliers and Drum Corps International in continuing his legacy, a $1,000 scholarship will be presented to the student who intends to remain committed to our activity by pursuing a career in PR, marketing, journalism or writing. Student applicants must be high school seniors or college students who are members in good standing of a DCI participating Open or World Class drum corps.
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Gary “Chops” Czapinski Memorial Scholarship
As a longtime visual judge and former drum corps instructor, the late DCI Hall of Fame member Gary Czapinski contributed greatly to innovation and design since the earliest years of DCI history. To this day, Czapinski's visionary approach to visual design can be seen in every niche of the world of the marching arts.
This $1,000 scholarship will be presented to a high school senior or college student who is a member in good standing of a DCI participating Open or World Class drum corps, and who intends to teach drum corps, winter guard, or marching band remaining committed to our activity by pursuing a career in music education or the arts.
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Friends of DCI Scholarship
Since 2007, the Friends of DCI program, which is made of DCI’s most dedicated supporters, has awarded educational funding to Open and World Class corps members. Up to ten (10) $2,500 scholarships will be awarded to current members in good standing of an Open or World Class corps to be used toward corps tuition.
Under this application process, another two (2) additional $2,500 awards will be provided through the Richardson’s Scholarships, given each year to corps members who wish to apply their skills toward a degree in music education. This award was created by charter members of the Friends of DCI, Ken and Patty Richardson.
Another two (2) $2,500 awards will be awarded as part of the Peth Scholarship. Courtesy of Friends of DCI members Steve and Mary Peth, these awards will be given to participating members pursuing any accredited higher education degree.
Community support toward the Friends of DCI Scholarship fund is an integral part of making this program available to our marching members. More scholarships could be made available in the future from donors like you! Any and all donations toward the Friends of DCI Scholarship fund are welcome and appreciated.
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Rodney Goodhart Memorial Scholarship
As a drum corps judge for more than three decades, the late Rodney Goodhart contributed greatly toward representing percussion during the early beginnings of Drum Corps International. In his memory, the Rodney Goodhart Memorial Scholarship is awarded each summer to a DCI corps member.
This scholarship award of $1,000 may be used by the selected World or Open Class corps member to pay drum corps tour fees, university tuition, books or other activity fees.
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IN STEP: Women of DCI Scholarship
The IN STEP program began in January of 2018 to support the participation of women in all facets of Drum Corps International and marching music performing arts, from corps members to staff to leadership. The committee’s charter also supports women by sponsoring events, highlighting women in the activity, providing training, and encouraging policy development consistent with the core values of DCI.
At least one $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a current DCI participating female performer, intern or corps staff member who aspires to continue working within the drum corps activity into the future.
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Marching Arts Safety & Health Scholarship
Since its inception in 2007, the Drum Corps International-sponsored Marching Arts Safety & Health initiative (MASH) has succeeded in bringing together health care professionals from varied disciplines to provide medical guidance and hands-on assistance to corps members during the DCI Summer Tour.
With an initial focus on injury prevention and treatment, participation in the project has grown from a handful of volunteer contributors to an expansive network of practitioners throughout the United States. The program is now poised to serve an even greater audience of performing arts athletes with development of “best practices” already impacting the marching band activity nationally and internationally with continued research and medical expertise, environmental and other safety areas.
This $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a current DCI participating performer who aspires to work as a health, wellness or safety practitioner.
Al Moffatt Memorial Scholarship
Al Moffatt had a passion for DCI, all drum and bugle corps, and the entire marching music activity. He loved the activity not only for the pageantry and music, but also for the qualities it instills in young people, teaching them to be self-reliant and building good character to carry them through their lives. He loved being with the members and instructors and doing his best to make their show the best it could be.
This $1,000 scholarship is for any active member of the percussion section of a World or Open Class corps member. It can be used to pay current or next season’s corps fees and will be paid by check directly to the corps.
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Michelle Owens Memorial Scholarship
Michelle Owens loved the marching arts and was involved in it since she was a sixth grader at New Hartford High School in New York. She was a color guard member of the Crossmen (1990-1994), and after aging out, went on to teach several drum corps including the Crossmen, Cadets, Troopers and Magic of Orlando. With her infectious smile, her sweet disposition and high spirited personality, Michelle was loved by all. She instantly brought a light and warmth to all she interacted with. Whether she was performing or teaching, she knew how to do it with a positive attitude, encouraging spirit and genuine heart.
This $1,000 annual scholarship will continue her legacy through a color guard member of a current drum corps. It can be used to pay current or next season’s corps fees and will be paid by check directly to the corps.
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John Martin Hope Memorial Scholarship
As snare drum captain in the 1968 Garfield Cadets, the late John Martin Hope became devoted to the East Coast corps and remained so for the rest of his life. As his legacy he wanted to make drumming and marching in a DCI corps financially easier for those who followed in his age-worn shoes. He wanted the experience of the drum corps activity to live in hearts and souls forever, as it did in his.
This $2,000 scholarship is awarded annually to a percussionist of a DCI participating corps for the current or next season's drum corps tour fees, university tuition, books or other activity fees.
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