Mitch and me
Erin Odum ( writes: "This is a picture of me with my fabulous winter guard instructor, Mitch Mussener. This was taken one of the many times that we met up over the summer. I marched with the Magic of Orlando and Mitch was marching his age-out with the Crossmen. I loved getting to see him on tour because he is the person that inspired me and made me want to march. He helped me make the best choice of my life." Thanks Erin! We've run into a few technical problems recently, so if you haven't seen your Forzato Picture of the day yet, send it to us again and we'll run it as soon as we can. E-mail it to along with where and when the photo was taken, and send some biographical information about yourself as well. We'll give you full credit. Also, let us know if you want your e-mail address included, to get feedback from other drum corps fans.