"My name is Kyle Ferland and I am a music education major at Stetson University in DeLand, Fla. Even though I am primarily a flute player, I marched baritone for the Magic in 2002, 2003 and 2004. This past season I was the horn line captain. "This is a picture of me on the Magic brass bus on the way back to Florida from Worls Championships in Denver. "When you are on the road for two straight days after a very long season, people tend to lose thier minds a little. So, we decided to clean the bus a little bit to pass the time. We found a multitude of bungee cords all over the bus and we hung them all in the same place. We had so many altogether I thought to myself "I wonder if those would support my weight?" "What better way to end the season then to suspend your horn line captain from the roof of the bus with bungee cords? "Thank you very much." Thanks Kyle!
E-mail your Forzato submissions -- and we will get to them all, in time (and we're posting them in the order they were received) -- to dave@dci.org along with where and when the photo was taken. Send some biographical information about yourself as well. We'll give you full credit. Also, let us know if you want your e-mail address included.