Drum corps people can often be classified as some of the biggest fanatics on the face of the Earth, living and breathing anything related to the marching music experience in their everyday lives. Here's just a small sample of recent drum corps topics compiled from fans' Facebook status messages.

Kelsy S. "Drum corps: for those who know, no explanation is necessary. For those who don't, no explanation is possible."

Amanda M. has the drum corps itch

Megan S. Megan's mind: Colts, winter guard, school, band, homework, musical, geometry, guard, physics, marching band 2011, drum corps, sleep, repeat.

Kyle C. my blister ripped off during drum corps and started bleeding

Kurt B. I like when I am wearing Phantom Regiment gear and strangers just stop me to talk drum corps. Sort of helps with my shyness...

Zach F. the interview went really well!!! they loved the skills I learned from drum corps lol, also got a private personal tour of the plant! now the waiting game commences

Miles F. In 9 days I audition for the Glassmen Drum and Bugle Corps! I haven't played my trumpet in 5 days... If you need to talk to me the next 6 or 7 days, look in a practice room where I will be practicing my $#% off...

Jason F. Thank God for drum corps because some people are ticks!

Marie L. Dear body: I aged out in 2008. The drum corps dreams can stop any time now. Thank you. Love Marie.

Corbin M. idc what anyone says. drum corps international is #$%^ amazing.

Becca F. can't believe I am saying this but I miss drum corps ... everyone going to auditions this weekend, ya betta get it and FCO!!

James S. Just pulled a shirt out of my shirt drawer to wear to bed. It still smells like drum corps (aka like sunscreen and sweat). To make matters worse, I haven't worn that shirt for a drum corps thing since 2008.