From a Pioneer press release: This past weekend Pioneer had its first camp of the new season. Attendance was the best that Pioneer has had in many years, with a mixture of high school and college students coming from as far east as Georgia and as far west as Arizona. Friday night began with a welcome message from executive director Roman Blenski and corps director John-Michael Hines. The students played and spun throughout the night and were given plenty of advice on how to become better musicians and performers. Friday night concluded with a taco bar snack and a slideshow about their February camp that will be held in New Orleans, La., during the week of Mardi Gras. Saturday began bright and early, and the horn line dove into the opener, "By Loch and Mountain," by Robert W. Smith. The camp ended Saturday afternoon with a show and tell by all sections. The guard performed a one-minute solo that was written by the caption head Derrick Booker, the horn line played through a good amount of the energetic opener, and the drum line pounded out the cadence "Smooth Leprechaun." Everyone had a great time and is looking forward to the December camp. For more information on how you can be part of the 2004 Pioneer visit