Nikki Gabaree of Columbus, Ohio (and a fifth-year member of Capital Regiment, returning as color guard captain for the third year), submitted this one. "This picture is from our "last day of rehearsal" of the 2002 season in Madison, Wis. You see, every time we thought it was our last day to practice, we were surprised by another performance and another day of practice. So to make it through the last days of the summer, some of the guard thought that some sort of booster would help. Our booster just happened to be these tube socks. "From left to right in the picture are me (P.I.T.A.), Amy D. and Kellye B. and we are sporting our nice clean socks. We also named the day, Tube Sock Day!" Thanks Nikki! We're running low on Forzato pics! E-mail your submissions -- and we will get to them all, in time -- to along with where and when the photo was taken. Send some biographical information about yourself as well. We'll give you full credit. Also, let us know if you want your e-mail address included, to get feedback from other drum corps fans.